miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009


Carta de Wadee’a Kiwan, un chico palestino, que me contactó a través de Skype, en relación con el conflicto de Gaza. Transcrita tal y como él me la remitió. Su dirección se encuentra al final.

Our birthdate is the day when we liberate our land, Palestine All Palestine

To be a human is, to live free, to live in dignity and to live in peace.

No one can accept to live without one of these principles. What do you expect from people who are killed with their families by American made missiles, bombs, warplanes (F16) or what we can call “Zionist arsenal” that are used by the so called Israeli Defense Forces?

Does killing Palestinian children a self defense?

Does bombing whole families to save what they call Israeli National Security?

Does commit massacres against unarmed people (a whole nation) prove to us that Zionists are courageous?

No, they are more coward than facing Palestinian resistance.

What do you expect from a nation that was and is still exposed to be savagely killed, displaced from its homeland?

What do you expect from it, but resisting Israeli occupation, making settlements on a land that is not theirs?

Of course we’ll resist that killing even with our bare-chested bodies; we won’t give up till the last drop of our blood. We are defending our right of self determination, to free our land Palestine, all integrated Palestine. Today what is happening in Gaza is a stigma of disgrace on the entire world.

International Community??? There is no International Community, what is this community that sees nothing but Israel is defending itself and its national security????

Gaza is still resisting these savage, inhuman and racial Israeli war crimes against Palestinian civilians…….

So what are you waiting for? Save GAZA, Stop these massacres, Open border crossings, Break this racial blockade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wadee’a Kiwan 05-01-2009

(wadeea.kiwan #in# hotmail.com)

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